Monolith vs. Microservices

Monolith vs. Microservices: When to Migrate Your SaaS App

At Codolis, we’ve helped numerous SaaS companies successfully transition from monolithic architectures to microservices, unlocking scalability, faster development cycles, and improved system reliability. For many growing SaaS businesses, a monolithic architecture—while practical in the early stages—eventually becomes a bottleneck.

Cloud Architecture

How SaaS Companies Can Migrate Legacy Systems to the Cloud

The rapid evolution of the SaaS industry demands scalable, secure, and resilient
infrastructure. However, many companies still operate on legacy monolithic architectures, which hinder their ability to scale, integrate with third-party services, and support modern development practices.

SaaS Cloud Migration

5 SaaS Cloud Migration Challenges and How to Solve Them

Cloud migration is no longer a question of if, but when. SaaS companies looking to scale, optimize costs, and enhance security know that moving to the cloud is a strategic necessity. However, cloud migration is not without its challenges—from downtime risks to unexpected costs and complex architecture changes.

Monolith vs. Microservices

PyScript – Python in the Browser

Last year we heard about the PyScript project as a new framework for Python users. Alpha version of this project was presented at the PyCon conference in 2022. While we keep an eye on the continuous upgrades since it was first presented, let’s talk about basic information and the advantages this framework brings.

Jelena Popov ASP.NET Core 7.0 Codolis

Inside the upcoming updates – What’s new in ASP.NET Core 7.0

A viral topic nowadays is the November releasement of the ASP.NET Core 7.0 version. If you didn’t use .NET already, you probably heard that it is one of the most popular platforms for building many different types of applications.  If you ask developers, they would likely get in line with .NET, because it’s provided with many tools that make their work easier.

a day in the life of a qa tester codolis blog

A Day in the Life of a QA Tester

Each day in the life of a QA Tester is different and being a QA means you never stop learning. Whenever you’re testing you have to act in different user roles.

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Key Values QA Testing Adds to Your Organisation

QA Testing helps you in fixing the errors before they become major issues. That is why it’s important to get testing done as soon as possible. Don’t let yourself have additional costs, which come while replacing, retesting as well as reselling products, having errors. Software development consists of many stages and if bugs are caught in the earlier stages it costs much less to fix them. The bigger your organisation is, the bigger is the business impact of one bug.

microservices in java spring cloud and netflix overview part 2 codolis blog

Microservices in Java – Spring Cloud and Netflix Overview – Part 2

Microservices in Java – Spring Cloud and Netflix Overview – Part 2 In Part 1, we have talked about the microservices architecture, the Spring Cloud project, and two important components of the Spring Cloud (Eureka Service Discovery and Zuul Edge Server). Now we will continue our story about the microservices architecture and also introduce other components: Dynamic …

Microservices in Java – Spring Cloud and Netflix Overview – Part 2 Read More »

microservices in java spring cloud and netflix overview part 1 codolis blog

Microservices in Java – Spring Cloud and Netflix Overview – Part 1

Microservices in Java – Spring Cloud and Netflix Overview – Part 1 As it is well known, there is a lot of momentum around microservices. The transition from monolithic to microservice-based architecture gives many future benefits in terms of maintainability, scalability, high availability, etc. In the following text, we will talk about Spring Cloud. What are …

Microservices in Java – Spring Cloud and Netflix Overview – Part 1 Read More »

5 advantages of outsourcing your it development 1 codolis blog

5 Advantages of Outsourcing Your IT Development

5 Advantages of Outsourcing Your IT Development Controversy has always surrounded the topic of outsourcing, but its overwhelming advantages speak for themselves. An increasing number of companies are drawn to outsource their work. Moreover, 78% of businesses across the globe feel positive about their relationship with their outsourcing company. Some even base their entire business …

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